Draft v0.1: July 31, 2024
Last updated
Draft v0.1: July 31, 2024
Last updated
Over the decades, big internet companies(facebook, twitter, google) is facing the problem of critical privacy leak. Web3 is rebuilding the internet. As a result, mobile phones have increasingly became an essential part of future internet because mass privacy data of users is in it.
But traditional smartphones still have no the privacy-oriented design. For example, users' rights to data privacy and data ownership are not effectively protected.
The Webkey solution of mobile phone is the backbone for next-generation internet powered by Web3 and AI.
The chapter 1 is the introduction of webkey solution. The chapter 2 describes the system architecture. The chapter 3 introduces the details of system design. The chapter 4 lists some typical use cases. The chapter 5 propose the roadmap of webkey project on technical perspective. The chapter 6 summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of webkey, also future improvements.