Secure Computing
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In Web3, Webkey phone is not only a privacy-enhancement device, but also a computing device. For example, phone can be a blockchain validator interacted with layer 1/layer 2 blockchain, smart contracts for generating proof, mining, etc.
Webkey proposes the Secure Computing Framework&Tools by TEE(Trusted execution environment) for DApp developers.
DApps based on web increasingly are popular, mainly because developers gain instant deployability and platform independence. With single-page applications, developers utilise client-side JavaScript code to provide a user experience similar to mobile native applications.
However, since clients are untrusted, servers cannot rely on the confidentiality or integrity of client-side JavaScript code and the data that it oper- ates on. For example, client-side input validation must be repeated at server side, and confidential business logic cannot be offloaded.
we present the Wekey JS Engine, a framework that enables trust- worthy execution of security-sensitive JavaScript inside wallets and native DApps. JS Engine leverages trusted hardware support provided by TEE to protect the client-side execution of JavaScript, enabling a flexible partitioning of web application code.