Decentralized Service
Let us think about this scenario:
Your moible phone that has mass personal sensitive data is lost. How do you do?
For this case, decentralized service is a very important role.
For every webkey phone, User can encrypted data by core vault, then upload to decentralized serivce.
Webkey Decentralized service is a universal gateway for data storage and p2p communication channel.
Universal Storage
Universal Storage is an storage implementation that layer on the decentralized storage systems such as IPFS, Arweave, BTFS, etc.
User can choose different storage providers for storing personal data which is encrypted by Core Vault.
As a native component, it can be embeded in all kinds of web DApps and android DApps.
WebKey Network
WebKey Network is a peer-to-peer communication network consisting of mobile phone and miners.
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